I have been chopping and pruning as if I need to get it done quickly. Pacing myself would be a lot more sensible. It's not like I'm about to rush off to a gym class, after all. So I made a deliberate effort every now and then to stop and take stock. In these anxious times it is good to identify moments of joy every day.
Even though we are really lucky to be isolating ourselves in such an idyllic spot, we are still having to adjust from our usual routine, including the lack of holiday guests in the cottage. The sunshine helps a lot and having so much space to be quietly outside is a blessing that I am aware others do not have right now. It is almost like a holiday. (Here's an idea... why don't we run a holiday cottage? Ah...maybe later!)
With everywhere so quiet, this bee was quite a noisy visitor. |
As a result of my gardening labours I have cuts on my arms from some aggressive roses and have blisters on my hands and fingers from the secateurs and the trowel. With blood dripping down my arm it was time to reach for the soap and Savlon, it being a particularly bad time to bother the NHS with an avoidable case of sepsis.