I have set the auto-response message on my phone to 'Summer Holidays 😊'
I want to make the most of my son's summer hols and don't intent to chain myself to my desk 9 til 5 over the next few weeks. However, the reality is that we will simply be a parent taxi service unless we make an effort. Or worse than that, we will walk past his human form slumped on the sofa with a mobile device obscuring the view of his face. I suggest a walk with the dog or a cycle ride and generally get a negative response. Been there, seen it, done it! I need to book in some family time and plan some activities that we will all enjoy!
Once upon a time a trip to Splash Landings was a brilliant family activity, but now he is a teenager he is more likely to go with a couple of school friends ... and we are the taxi service! But this is only because Splash Landings and Alton Towers are on our doorstep. If we were travelling it would be a suitable family activity.
I've discussed this with some other mums staying at Barks to visit Alton Towers. We reckon the key is to get everyone away from home. Grown ups stop thinking about work and chores, teenagers seem to switch on and engage with the rest of the family and younger ones just love everyone doing something all together.
School holidays take some planning! I hope the smiley face emoji on my auto reply turns out to be the right choice 😕
(at the time of writing we have one mini break left in the school holidays - 3 or 4 nights from 21st August please check availability).